First and foremost, it makes no bones about being designed for long term Star Trek fans. Some of you, and this is by no means a character flaw but a result of personal preference, will be incapable of enjoying this show. I want to come right out and say this: Hidden Frontier is not for everybody. Most would dismiss Hidden Frontier out of hand because the budget seems to have been precisely nothing, but those who do are missing out on some of the best Star Trek I’ve ever had the pleasure to witness. The long web that it weaves is dense and thoroughly rewarding. The scientific and political ramifications of these plotlines are not only fascinating but morally challenging.

What starts as an amusing oddity quickly pulls you in with compelling characters and complex plots. In the Briar Patch, an unusual area of space unnavigable at warp speed, a new (or perhaps very old) threat emerges to test the young alliance formed by the war. Hidden Frontier is a seven season fan effort that tells a continuous narrative taking off just after the end of the Dominion War in Deep Space Nine. But of all the fan shows I have encountered in my travels, Hidden Frontier is the most…human.
If this article gains any traction, I plan on doing a more in-depth overview but suffice it to say there are a number of fan series and films out there on par with the best of Trek, and far surpass what CBS has been putting out over the past few years. For a franchise with such longevity and popularity, it’s only natural that there would be fan productions and in my experience a surprising number of them are of high quality.

Deep in the eldritch rabbit hole of Star Trek fan productions, I uncovered something incredible.